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An Independent Family-owned & Operated Financial Services Firm


Founded Upon The Value Of Placing Clients First

Pegge Barrier Photo
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Pegge Barrier



New Day Financial Advisors CEO, Pegge Barrier, is a sixth-generation St. Petersburg native born into a family of financial advisors. Her approach has been shaped by her life experiences. Pegge was an electric utility executive prior to becoming a financial planner.

Pegge discovered her passion on a personal search to find an advisor for her own family’s assets. She says that while she was aggressively contributing to her own 401K, she realized that her personal financial strategy required more than simply investing in a 401K retirement plan. This would never get her to her goals to be an entrepreneur. She interviewed five advisors before finding one that showed her what a comprehensive process could actually achieve. She was impressed because the planner based all of their recommendations on listening to her goals and then providing a comprehensive analysis. It was eye-opening and reassuring.

By her third meeting, she had a revelation. Pegge recalls sitting in the parking lot afterwards thinking to herself: “I want to help people find the peace that comes from having a plan and a trusted advisor. I want to be the person that listens to people and truly has their goals and their best interests at heart.”

Years, later, without question, Pegge says that her greatest reward is helping goal-oriented individuals and small to medium sized businesses plan for the financial circumstances they’ll experience. Her focus is to help them assess risk, preserve assets and assist them in pursuing their financial goals, ultimately having them achieve a life with greater financial freedom.


Alan Barrier Photo
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Alan Barrier



Alan Barrier, New Days’ Chief Operations Officer shares the firm’s dedication in providing personalized concierge financial services. Alan is a strong believer that people’s attitudes towards money begin early in life. His family rarely discussed money or finances. He says as children, he and his siblings were never taught about saving, protection, or investing. He believes this would have made a tremendous difference.

Alan’s education led him into the banking arena right here in St. Petersburg. Alan received his Bachelors of Science in Finance from University of South Florida. Ultimately, he gravitated to the financial services industry, working at Raymond James Financial for eleven years, cementing a strong understanding of the financial operations by serving in various leadership roles.

As he advanced, he grew evermore passionate about educating people about money, in order to empower them. Since he understood from his family how it felt to not be exposed to money topics as he was growing up, he has dedicated his life to educating and guiding clients. He believes that there is nothing that creates a sense of security more than resources to information and knowledge. This philosophy applies to money as well, that’s why New Day Financial Advisors has built a practice focused on education as much as investing. He is proud to be a part of an organization where focus on the client’s wellbeing is paramount.


Cameron Barrier Photo
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Cameron Barrier

Vice President of Insurance Services


Cam is a well trusted resource in Financial Services who maintains a personal relationship with his clients, while focusing on their goals. His aim is to be a resource for predominantly young people in the community, educating them on how to begin growing their wealth in the most tax efficient manner possible.

As a seventh-generation resident of St. Petersburg, Cam's expertise spans outside of the financial world. He spent his time in college playing Division I Baseball at Gardner-Webb University in Boiling Springs, North Carolina as well as Eckerd College in St. Petersburg while focusing on his degree in finance.

Now that Cam is back in his hometown, he has brought many of those skills that he has learned in the Baseball world to the financial world, such as being accustomed to performing and focusing on teamwork. These skills are especially important as he works with members of his team of financial professionals to do comprehensive strategies at New Day Financial Advisors.

Brian Dow Photo

Brian Dow

Insurance Specialist
Tim Hoppes Photo

Tim Hoppes

Medicare Specialist
Steve Hasson Photo
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Steve Hasson

Director of Marketing